Oil crash - perfect plan to bring Trump down?


Anyone who knows House of Cards' series on Netflix knows how politicians sometimes play global chess.

USA sanction Russia.
US "Force China to Buy $ 200 Billion in Goods"
Saudi Arabia is the cheapest producer of oil worldwide, the oil crash is not a crash for them.

And now a few thoughts, I'm not a conspiracy theorist but somehow a lot fits together.

2 countries Saudi Arabia and Russia are starting an oil war which is the most damaging to the USA, because the USA produces oil of around 40-50 euro per barrel. Russia and Saudis are under $ 15 and the price is currently around $ 30, so the US is making huge losses and most of all benefiting from the oil war in China.

Their oil spending is over € 200 billion annually and if they buy now at half price, they are the biggest winners of this oil war, and have enough money to pay the agreed $ 200 billion. Go shopping in USA.

Do you think it was agreed by Russia, Saudis and China to harm Trump? There will soon be elections and Trump's bad economy will harm him. Russia has its revenge because of the sanctions and Nordstream 2, China gets cheap oil and Saudi Arabia takes more shares in the market, because if it lasts longer, many US oil producers go bankrupt because they do not keep the profits, but distribute them, and without are heavily in debt.


No. Our all smartest president started the oil war without thinking about the consequences.


Anyone who knows House of Cards' series on Netflix knows how politicians sometimes play global chess.

Yes, and those who have seen "Godzilla" know how giant lizards sometimes flatten Tokyo. This is a television series, not a documentary.


Trump didn't start the oil war


But Putin


What some people rhyme with each other. Incredible. Do you have evidence for your very unusual thesis?


Please read again. It is written that it is only a few thoughts from me. And it was a question of what could be there. But we're on good question, nobody can read here


Well and I gave you my answer, where's the problem?




If you take House of Cards seriously, you shouldn't seriously discuss politics.

1. That doesn't hurt Trump.

2.China doesn't benefit from it at all.

There's no revenge in politics.

4. You know the oil market badly. There's no such thing as US oil producers. And they have a different relationship to Trump.


You cement whole conglomerates of numbers and considerations together and do not provide a source.


It stands that it is my thoughts, of course, something like that does not become public. Or do you need sources of what China spends on oil?


1. Why doesn't Trump hurt if one of the biggest sources of income breaks down and makes big losses? Please ne source or example why Trump doesn't hurt if the economy collapses.

2. Why shouldn't China benefit if the over 100 billion are expected to be saved? Please ne source or example, why China does not benefit if the 100 billion. Save on.

3. How do you come to the conclusion that there's no revenge in politics? Never heard of sanctions in response to sanctions? I can write the 1000s examples of revenge in politics…

I don't take House of Cards seriously, but there's enough intrigue in politics…

Next time, I only shout answers if the IQ is over 30.


US "Force China to Buy $ 200 Billion in Goods"

Saudi Arabia is the cheapest producer of oil worldwide, the oil crash is not a crash for them.

… Because the US produces oil around 40-50 euro per barrel. Russia and Saudis are under $ 15 and the price is currently around $ 30, so the US is making huge losses and most of all benefiting from the oil war in China.

Are these fictional assumptions or real facts?

You first have to separate it neatly. The least I understand:

Do you think it was agreed by Russia, Saudis and China to harm Trump?

I thought we were in the middle of the business game. How can you expect us to give you an opinion about the states based on your business game?

I'm not against imaginative assumptions, on the contrary, but clarity is even more necessary here than anywhere else.


1. Oil and gas companies behind Trump are hardly involved in fracking. For them, fracking is more of a nuisance. They want their old school oil business with cheap Texas and Mexico Bay oil. They can accept short-term fluctuations.

Look at the dollar. The losses on the stock exchange are losses of Trump's enemies. The real sector will survive the shrinking stock market bubbles. And the flight into the dollar will offset the Fed's flood of money and dampen the case well.

In the end, Trump gets the lesser evil. He or the people behind him knew that they only have 2 scenarios. Deflation or inflation. It is still not clear what it will amount to. After the crisis, Trump has a good chance of making America "great again" or America's capitalist economy.

2. Petroleum contracts are not written at the current exchange price and sometimes hedged. It is more important, however, that the economic downturn in China hurts China more than the low energy price helps. They are dependent on external demand and their home demand is not yet developed enough. That is why they have not simply pushed the USA into the abyss for a long time. That would harm them themselves. They still needed time to boost internal demand.

3. This is not revenge. That is how the conflicts are resolved without any emotional stories like revenge. Economic wars are economic wars.

And try to formulate sentences.