Avatar on Netflix but how?


I would like Avatar - The Lord of the Elements but I can't do this in my country or I can't find the series you have vlt an idea because when I was in Turkey I could find the series but not in my country


This is because Netflix has different licenses in each country or is based on the preferences of local users. Therefore, the offer is different in all countries…


Not every country has the same rights for the films and series.


Had the same problem schonmal. Can you assure that it is not possible. If you have no other platform to look at the unfortunately you have had bad luck. Then have to try it in another country. Or buy some platform to watch series


Ok but I would like to know how I can change that now so that I can look


I would like to know how I can look now trz


I can't help you there, I do not know if it works.


This is only possible if you are in the country that has the licenses for Avatar. Fear that you can't do anything wrong.


Buy another platform. Unfortunately I do not know which Avatar is on.


The most, avatar you can also look at Prime Video.