Queen's Gambit? - 1


I have heard many times that a lot of people have watched the Netflix series "The Queen's Gambit", is it recommendable?


I was also doubtful, especially since I wasn't interested in chess. Then I watched the series and thought it was great.

So yes, it is recommended.


Is very solid.

It has little to do with chess, just drama in general. But it's not bad.


I heard from my friends that it was about chess, so I wasn't really surprised. Now I'm not sure if I should watch it because I never actually watch Netflix and I don't want to take out a subscription for free. If I may ask you, how do you like the series, why did you like it so much?


Can you tell me something about the content, I couldn't find a post on Google that describes the content of the series


First of all: I only watched the series because I have Netflix anyway. That's the only reason I wouldn't have taken out a subscription. In addition, the series only has 7 episodes that last about an hour, so the series was quickly watched.

Here is a summary of my review that I wrote about the series at the time:

I liked the series pretty much, even if I'm not as enthusiastic as many others, which is probably. Simply because I'm not so interested in chess, I only have a limited knowledge of it, the series deals with other topics that I do not like so much and there's no fantasy.

In general, I found the story to be very good, interesting and well told. The series is made exciting, atmospheric and there's seldom boredom. The cast is on point, there's nothing to complain about, I thought they were all great. The same goes for the characters. Especially Taylor-Joy as Beth was outstanding. I didn't expect Thomas Brodie-Sangster. His synchro was very inappropriate, he still looks like a teen and played a 30 year old here lol (even though he's that old in real life… Unbelievable). Dudley was there too, but I already knew that. Man has changed.

I liked the ending very much, luckily I wasn't spoiled (…)

I really liked the soundtrack, as well as the effects. In general, the cinematography was very good, I can agree with the critics.


So overall I found the series very good, I don't have any criticism worth mentioning.

She didn't blow me away, really picked me up emotionally or wasn't really enthusiastic either. So there are no bonus points, which is not that bad either.

I will certainly never watch the series again, but the one viewing was definitely worth it.


A girl gets completely drunk and becomes a chess prodigy.


I enjoyed it very much and can only recommend it.