Do you already have a subscription to Netflix, AmazonPrime or AppleTV?


I'm considering making a subscription to Netflix but do not know if it should make AppleTv or Amazon Prime.

Please write your opinion or ratschlâğe. Lg


I think the self-produced series is great.


The internet is full of magic…

No fun, I do not find the time to watch series anyway.


What is AppleTv please and how good is netflix or amazon prime?


Good or bad is just a matter of opinion. I like Netflix, as I said, because of the self-produced series or the series that run there more or less exclusively. These are often series that would probably not run in the free TV, because they are more like niche series, but if you are at Netflix on it just to look something, then you often discover many cool series, with which hour hours around can spend.

Amazon Prime is, I think, often a bit stronger when it comes to newer films. Although they have a few exclusive series, but in general, I find the offer of Amazon Prime not necessarily convincing.

I can't say anything about AppleTV. Is just Apple. Will probably be something for which you pay a lot of money and what you can have elsewhere cheaper elsewhere.

Interesting, I think, rather DisneyPlus or Warner. They will release new streaming services at the end of the year or next year. Et al Shall run a Star Wars series on DisneyPlus, which I'm really looking forward to.


I have Netflix and Amazon prime