How do I tell my mom about a boy?


So I'm 15 and he's 17. We've been in contact for a long time and have known each other for ages, but we're not together or anything we wanted to chill out two times now but it's snowing around me and I don't know how to go to him because moped doesn't work. I want to tell my mother but don't want to give details or anything. You just have to drive me near him and then I'll just go. I don't want her to somehow get to know him now. My big brothers haven't had any girlfriends or anything so I don't know how they'll react. We'll just chill out, watch Netflix and yeah.


And joa and then sex… ^^


Haha ne am not ready yet.


And what if you say it Take me to a boy we wanna watch Netflix. Then she asks what kind of one it is. And then you say we have known each other from school for 5 years. And then? Will she drive or not?


Can you just tell her you want to see a girlfriend ^^


Have no friends in this area or I don't like the people there🙂😂


Be as open as you can to your mother and put in a few white lies if you have to, say that you want to meet a friend who you know from school, but nothing works. Say you have known each other forever, but be sure to tell her where you are. So she (unfortunately) has a right to know: / I'm 20 myself and I still know the struggle, but if you have a good relationship with your mum, trust her as best you can. I don't know how many times you've seen each other, but if it's your first meeting, please be careful. If necessary, take contraceptives with you, Netflix is usually just a description of sex. Make it clear right from the start what works for you and what isn't and don't let yourself be pressured. Well, didn't want to play the big worried sister either, the fact is: tell her where you are going, with whom you are meeting. If you can't tell the address, name a park or something nearby and say you will meet there. But always remember: Honesty lasts the longest, I speak from experience ☺️


Has been to see him three times so far and he knows that I want to wait, so that's no problem, my best friend knows where I'm and my girls know that I'm with him. Thanks for the text and I think you'd make a great big sister😊