I was freezoned. What to do?

- in Free

I was in love with a girl about a year ago. We just got on well at the beginning (we didn't see each other often). I thought to myself: "I have no chance anyway she is oh a year older than me so forget her". That worked at the beginning, later she showed interest in me. We also got closer in a small camp. But I never dared to tell her and she didn't do anything. Then I was sad because I didn't see her after the camp. We later wrote e-mails from time to time. Now a few days ago we got in touch again and I wrote to her that I was once in love with her. Then she wrote back: Yes, I found you nice too, but had never been in love with you (which I had thought all along). At first I thought: oh what it itches me that was almost a year ago now… Wrong! Somehow I'm sadder now than I was. I try to distract myself and forget it but it helps nothing. I was looking for Fortnite, Brawl Stars, Zelda BotW, CS: GO, CoD and watch Netflix three times as much as usual (clearly COVID-19 is also to blame for spending so much time with the media). Sure, this will make you forget your worries for a maximum of 2 hours, but in the long run it won't do anything. And so in advance: I don't feel like fighting for them or anything, I just want to distract myself and forget it. What should I do?!


Keep going.
What's wrong with you?
There's no friend zone.


If you don't want to fight for them anymore, just try to leave the whole thing behind. There's no point in racking your brains over it. You can't make someone love someone. That will not do. Therefore, just live your life and think about your future 💙


Ah head up that will be fine. Back then I wanted to meet a girl and never had a relationship before. I just asked an old comrade who the girl was. The next day he talked to her. Where I thought old what? 😕 ". Well, I talked to that little bit and it didn't look so ugly now. It seemed nice, not the brightest, but nice anyway. Another buddy came from the same town as her and said buy this and that for Valentine's Day where I thought my god I don't know her. Later I bought jewelry from this jewelry store for 5 or 10 euro. It was given to her, she took it, but returned it a few days later. Obviously she wasn't interested. I was a little bit crumpled there too, but I thought to myself, no matter you don't know each other, you didn't experience that much either. A few years passed, I found out that she did not reach the middle maturity, I found an apprenticeship and successfully completed the middle maturity and then I got an internship see make at Norma, she was really ashamed. Then I caught up on my Abitur and saw it by chance with a boy, where she was somehow ashamed. I later found out that she was engaged 3 times and that everyone failed. At the time I graduated from high school, I met a girl with whom I have been together for 8 years and who have now become engaged. I then studied and got my bachelor's degree and am currently studying for my master and my fiancé's second state examination. What happened to the girl I thought was cute then? She works in a temporary employment agency and apparently got married last year. With one who is currently in the second year of apprenticeship (with 28). I'm overjoyed today, I made it very far from then until now and also found the woman for life. My prospective in-laws are mega nice and sincere. Those of the girl I met at that time were separated, the mother went or is still going to the discotheques at almost 50. Sometimes you think you are not so well and then God opens another door and you are really very happy. And it is the same with you. You are sad now and in a few years you will laugh about it 😂 you told her the truth, maybe she told you too. But in the end that's now a thing of the past


Dear Nicholas, please forgive me for my openness, but you have been a coward, in several ways! And until the very end, you didn't tell her the truth, but put your infatuation with her in the past!

Love requires courage, especially for men, and those who do not have the courage are not worthy of love.

Please allow me to express myself so hard, but if you are not willing to take a risk, you probably don't really love it at all. -

Let this be said for next time.


I know I think if I told her in the camp I would have got a basket but saved myself the torture


You don't know that, dear Nicholas! If you had told her back in the camp at the time, you would have been a different person to some extent… More mature, more confident, and maybe then she would have wanted you. -

Now it can't be changed. But please, let it be a lesson for you next time.


You have to realize that there's no point in thinking about it.

Leave it behind, because only in this way will you be able to find a person who returns your feelings. If she's not interested in you, she's just not the right one.

If it doesn't hurt you too much, you could keep in touch with her (on a friendly level) because she thinks you're nice too.

However, you have to decide that yourself.


A great story! And a masterpiece of yours to have your life steered in such a good direction! Toi toi for everything else!