Can you really only hear one audiobook per month with the Audible subscription?

- in Free

I was always interested in audiobooks and now looked at Audible because of a subscription and there's 1 audiobook per month for free?

What does this mean? That I only get an audiobook by subscription for 10 euro? That would be an extremely bad deal in comparison e.g. To Netflix, right?


No, you can listen to all audiobooks as with Spotify. You can also listen to an audiobook after your subscription has expired.


There are also audio books that cost only 0.5 credits. That means you can buy at least 1 audiobook per month "for free".

And it's not a bad deal. The Harry Potter audio books e.g. I usually think it costs around 30 euro and with the subscription you save 20 euro per audiobook.

You can also do it like me. I quit Audible and before the termination of the contract they make you an offer, the next 3 months for only 4.95 euro per month. Respectively. Recently, it was only 2.95 euro per month for me. Simply cancel from time to time, so you save even more.


"And it's not a bad deal. I usually think the Harry Potter audiobooks, for example, cost around 30 euro and with the subscription you then save 20 euro per audiobook."

That is not an argument. Netflix series also cost 30-40 euro in the season box. O.o '?


Still, you save a lot. You can't compare that to Netflix.


No, you can't. You get one title per month.


Oh, I used to have a subscription. Then I'm sorry for the misinformation


The difference between audiobooks and series is that series are a mass market and audiobooks are just a niche. Therefore, as with Netflix, this can't be financed through the sheer mass of users.

Therefore, the deal with Audible is that you get an audiobook per month for 9.95 euro, which you can continue listening to after the subscription has ended. You can also buy additional audiobooks at a special price of 9.95 euro at any time.


Then don't get it…

What you must not forget, you buy the audio books, that is, you have them forever. So it is "more expensive". With Netflix you don't own all the films and series.


No for 10 euro you shouldn't complete, but wait for promotions like 5 euro and 3 months free etc.

I almost never listen to audiobooks and have 3 pages full of them (including HP) only through some actions, free of charge here and there, never paid anything.

And you get 1 credit per month, you can buy something from it. Not every audiobook costs 1 credit, sometimes there are also promotions.

And buying can't compare with a long-term rental subscription like Netflix, but rather with buying. You can't buy anything on Netflix. If a title is gone, it is gone.
And you also don't buy a pig in a poke:

So if you like audio books and collect them, Audible is probably very convenient.

You do not have to subscribe, you can also buy the audiobooks for euro. At the moon price.


Fair point.


Thanks for the tips!


You get one audiobook a month for free… You would have to buy all others…

Have you ever looked at Spotify… They have a lot of audio books on offer… It's worth it. Otherwise, I always recommend the local library. With an annual membership fee, you can borrow all audiobooks on site… Many libraries now also have a very extensive online offering… Have a look at…