What additional costs do you pay?

- in Free

What additional costs do you / (you) pay in addition to your job? My training will start soon. Is this invoice correct or what is still missing?

+ Child benefit 204 euro

+ Training remuneration net (J1) 640 euro

+180 euro part-time job


1024 euro To live


-400 euro rent including heating

-20 euro broadcast

-300 euro food / cleaning / clothing fee / miscellaneous

-60 euro subscriptions

-70 euro phone / internet

-80 euro electricity / water

-30 euro Insurance / repairs / other

-Free job ticket


≈64 euro free time


But you also pay taxes - you can count on 600 net


In addition to training? Thought it was tax free


Ne that would be new to me, you also pay taxes on the training salary, which you can get back with a tax return


Electricity is a little too little. You will need more if there's water with you.

Food is the lowest limit. You might come across that too. Telephone & I-Net is realistic.

You probably have to pay taxes too, even if it is not a lot in terms of income.

Buy clothes? Is that included with food & household? If not then another 70-100 euro a month.

You are still young and may become stronger and bigger, i.e. You need new clothes. Shoes also a pair of shoes every 2 months.


1 you pay taxes when you get on the tax-free basis and you can do that if you do not only work monthly

2 i don't think a car will run out parking, insurance, advise? And so

3 what about the heating costs


Changed the bill. Is it more realistic?


Changed the invoice and also used the tax calculator. Is it more realistic?


What about the heater

And do you really want to live on 60 euro?

But you can also save on clothing and food


A pair of shoes every 2 months?


Yes, sometimes slippers, sometimes winter shoes, sometimes summer shoes, sometimes sneakers…


? Every second month. For me it might be 2 a year


Don't the shoes stink if you wear the same for so long?


? I have my 4-5 pairs of combat boots that are swapped over and over again at work. Then I still have 5 pairs of normal shoes because nothing stinks.


Yes, if the company provides shoes for work: no problem.

I don't have this bonus and I carry my personal belongings around the company. The throughput is correspondingly higher than shoes and clothing.


In this case, the company is the state of Baden-Württemberg and it would be even better if I had to wear private shoes on duty.

but regardless of the work, because work shoes HAVE to be paid by the employer, who buys 1 pair of shoes every two months, I find a little too high, but it doesn't matter.


You pay rent + operating costs to your landlord according to BetrKVO §2. The other costs are part of the cost of living. What about maintenance from your parents? You can apply for housing benefit and BAB…


My parents refuse to pay and I'm not entitled to BAB.


You can claim maintenance until the end of your 1st training!


Thanks for the tip!