Announce Netflix probemonate → buy later subscription?

- in Free

Can I test Netflix for free for 30 days (eg premium version), then cancel & only complete a subscription 2/3 months later?

& can I just sign up for a 15 euro coupon code or do I need to enter an account?


Yes, both are possible. ^^

Both later to subscribe, as well as to use only coupon codes.


Thank you! Do you know if I can cancel immediately after the end of the trial month? (So it lasts 1 month and I do not forget to cancel?


I do not have the notice period in my head now, so I can't answer it exactly. ^^


Yes will work.


I have now completed the abo (with voucher) and then quit directly… Now there's a blue background "Your membership will be terminated as soon as your gift balance is used up."

? Do I have to pay now? It's called a free month!


You will not pay anything unless you have provided payment information. I'll let it run forever only by gift certificate, and if I do not extend it, so I can't use Netflix until I extend it again.


Well I'm concerned with "pay" to the credit of the voucher…


I would like to have Netflix currently only for this 1 month due to lack of time


Yes, but if no payment information is given, it does not matter, because if he has nothing to debit, then he can't debit anything… It's logical.


I now wanted to use the free trial month, cancel and get LATER with the credit again for a month or so netflix. So I have two months in a row although I did not want that and coupon is gone


Yes, you can do it, but you do not have to cancel yourself, because Netflix can't extend automatically without having any payment data…