Film and TV Edits record?

- in Free

I would like to make Youtube movie and serial edits (for example, couples videos). Therefore I wanted to ask, with which programs one can record series and film excerpts of Amazon prime and Netflix (for free and as legal as possible). Maybe you also know with which program others do that.


The problem is not the recording,

You are not allowed to publish your video on YouTube without the permission of the copyright holder!


How do others do it on Youtube without being banned?


You may maximally "quote" from other films.

What that means exactly, you can read here:


I know that you can't get out of Netflix movies


Mainly I wanted to make the videos for me without necessarily uploading them (was just a small side aspect). So my real question was if there's a good program where I can record that without the video having a black screen.


You can of course make videos for private use only.

However, I can't tell you if there's a good program for recording from Amazon Prime or Netflix - I suppose that will not work.


They violate the laws (!) and hope that they will either not be caught, hope that the rights holders do not care or they are not interested in what they are doing is not allowed or know it just because they do not care and they do not deal with it enough

That's the big problem on the internet, that so many people violate the law and just all sorts of posts, just because "others do the same" and are meanwhile no longer guilty, because they believe when others Do it and it will not be blocked, then it must be alright. Which is not true, of course! YouTube is full of illegally uploaded content.

For exactly these reasons, a revision is needed to better enforce copyright, as the EU is currently working on.

and being "locked" is incidentally the slightest evil that can hit you, an expensive punishment would theoretically just as possible