Questions about buying TV?


I have some questions about…

Hi dear community,

I need your help and opinions again!

I want to buy a TV that has about 24 inches / 60- 62cm

Smart TV and k4 or HD should have without a Cast Prime + Netflix or something…

Did any of you know or buy yourself a TV in this price range and can recommend something to me.

(it would be important that I can pay in installments preferably at Real or Black)

Nu I ask myself but what should I pay attention to? So that I also have all the advantages,

🤗I know that it is in the brandwueste price range not too much to get.

I would like to gamble on it with my Xbox, but then I wonder if I can play with my normal Xbox One in HD or k4, or do you need a new version of the Xbox for it? How about the S version?




TVs under 32 inches are garbage. Not (only) because they are small, but because in them only the absolutely cheapest technology is installed.

The question about 4K should hopefully be a joke, believe in this size class, the devices do not even have FullHD. I think a FireTV or Cromecast will also be necessary because otherwise the device will have endless lags.

But maybe there's really a solid entry-level device in size, I know only one.


I do not know why it has to be 24 inches. I was once in possession of a 24 inch TV and this had neither a Smart Function nor FullHD nor something. Since you can also directly buy a normal 24-inch monitor for 90 euro and connect FireTv and Xbox. 4k does not make sense ABSOLUTELY.

I would not even buy a TV under 42 inches because it is priced it is also nonsense. Vlt do you want to save yes or what I know, but with a 42er one is much better served, then you have to stop saving or work or old stuff to make money, but from me is clearly NOT a buy recommendation for such small Tv devices!


No I do not want to save… I can only watch TV so badly when it's further away, so I have my TV on the couch Tich.

Have a LED TV (about 23 inches / 52cm) and have a Chrome Cast + Fire TV Stick… But look Netflix and Co on the connected Xbox… So you're right that I need not necessarily included.

I wanted a new TV because of the better picture quality. And one that is a bit bigger…

But you've really brought to thinking that maybe I should rather ne Pkaystation 4 buy 🤣🤣


My parents have just bought a big LG =

Since I thought I would be sort of soeinein let only small for 200-220 get


It's not that easy. The model series exist only in certain areas. High end e.g. With very few exceptions only from 55 "middle class under 40" is also rare. 32 "is just such a border area.