How can you persuade your parents to stay awake longer?


I'm 12 years old and always have to go to bed at 9 p.m. The "problem" is that it is still light outside and I can't sleep so well with the roller blind below. I also always take a long time to fall asleep and I can fall asleep faster when I go to bed later. I can also sleep in (because of Corona and because I don't have school regularly). I'm also good and reliable at school. I'm also an early bird and do not need 12 hours of sleep. I just want to watch Netflix or YouTube.


Simply explain your problem to them and provide them with arguments about the advantages of staying awake longer or that we have no disadvantages if you stay awake. Otherwise you can try it for 2 weeks what it is like if you stay awake longer and then you can decide.


A little tip: Get up early anyway and set a breakfast table or do other nice things. Then just ask.

Another tip: Don't be on YouTube or Netflix all the time. There's so much more sensible thing you can do.


Yes, but when it is 9:00 p.m. (and Corona) I can hardly meet friends or anything. But maybe I can phone them again.