Jurassic Park on Netflix?


I wanted to check out Jurassic Park on Netflix today, but they're all down! Does anyone know why this is?


Probably the films have not been called often enough, so Netflix has not been able to continue paying for the license.

Or the rights holder of the films has an exclusive contract with another streaming provider.


Netflix buys only licenses for movies and series and eventually run out of these. That's probably the case with your movie.


Such streaming providers buy the licenses for the series / films for a certain period of time. If this has expired, the film must be removed from the program.

With the app WhatsOnFlix you can see what is going on in Netlix in the near future and added to the offer.


Welcome to the Netflix jungle of lost films

And how good that I can watch the movies at home on Blu-ray whenever I want and I suspect that the license agreement has simply expired at Netflix and the streaming provider has agreed no more with Universal, as it probably was not strong enough by the call numbers,

But do not worry life finds a way.

With cinematic greetings


Simply because they were taken out of the program!
Netflix can only license movies and series that you do not produce for a limited time for a specific price. If this period has expired, they must take the film out of the program again and instead they can then offer new films, so that they can also offer a varied program and people get to see something new every now and then.

on this app you can see what is being offered, what will be removed and what has been removed recently:



Really? 🥺 that's a pity


But do not worry life finds a way.

Yes, donkeys are very much alive.


What is that supposed to mean?


What do you want to tell me now with the English Wikipedia article?
