Toradora season 2?

- in Anime

I wanted to know how things are currently with a 2nd season of Toradora because Netflix has released the anime quite recently and has received very positive reviews in a very short time and probably also many viewers, which is why it would not be unlikely if Netflix would soon be a 2nd season. Staffel cares about the rights they have or what do you think

I thank you in advance for any helpful answer.


The original work, the light novel (novel series), was completely adapted in the one anime season. So there won't be another season because the template doesn't offer any other material that could be adapted.

In addition, the anime is from 2008, only in this country it was just released recently.


Nothing is known yet, and is also very unlikely


Toradora ended with a season in 2009, and nothing new is known of it either


Yes, the anime is from 2008 and that's why I wrote that Netflix had published it on their platform and not that it was new


Netflix didn't produce the anime itself, but some company in Japan. Netflix only has the rights to broadcast these, so they are not responsible for a second season. And since the first season came out in 2008, there will probably be nothing more.


Has it really been confirmed that nothing will come anymore or is that just something very likely from your point of view

Hope dies last.


If Netflix buys the streaming rights to an anime, that doesn't mean there will be another season.


You said the original work was completely adapted. So there's no other material that could be implemented as an anime.

Accordingly, nothing more will come.


Yes, that doesn't mean anything for a long time, I agree with you, but if netflix is so interested in an old anime, the right one is already buying it and seeing who's going crazy is a sign at least I think so


As long as the author is still alive, maybe something will come


Nothing more comes

Is complete with 1 stagger