Is a tablet worth it?


My mother wants to get me a tablet for Christmas so that I don't always have to look at the phone display when watching YouTube / Netflix because of my eyes.

But I get along really well with the cell phone and don't want a tablet at all, whatever I tell her and I feel bad if she spends 200 euro now and I maybe don't use it that way.

What can tablets be used for and are they worth it?


If you get yourself an Android tablet, then you can do exactly the same as with the Android mobile phone, only that you have a more comfortable display


Whether it is worth it depends entirely on you.

In addition to Netflix / Youtube, you can also:

play games
Use for school (if you are allowed to use digital devices)
Word, Excel and Powerpoint are possible on it (e.g. For a presentation)


In addition to the advantages already mentioned, you also save the battery of your smartphone if you are not using it 24/7.


Luxury problems, be glad that she even wants to buy you a tablet and has the money to do it.

I just like to watch YouTube on my tablet and research things for school, especially when I'm on the go, e.g. Very practical on the train or on vacation. Because you have a bigger and better screen than on a mobile phone, but you can still take it with you relatively easily, unlike a laptop. But of course, this is not the right thing for everyone, in the end you have to decide for yourself, as is so often the case in life…


Well Tablets are actually the same as cell phones only with a larger picture. But that's exactly what I liked. What I e.g. I also like to draw on tablets. It's more fun on a tablet than on a smartphone # larger image

Otherwise, you can actually do the same things with a tablet as you can with a smartphone. There are no huge differences. It might also depend on the price range, but I mostly used tablets for drawing or image processing. Otherwise, I stayed on my smartphone. It's also easier to take pictures on a smartphone simply because the megapixels on a smartphone are much better.

I like tablets. Because of the larger display. But otherwise there are not many differences to the smartphone!

Conclusion: I would still gratefully accept it. I've also received a few tablets as a gift and didn't use them much (only for drawing or for presentations)! But I was happy to have it and have always been happy about it. I'm also a little technology freak 😁