Netflix automatically connects to TV


I just wanted to watch Netflix on my iPhone, but when I click on a series it connects to my TV. Can I turn it off like that or something?

Or. Why does it connect to the TV, although I did not press the icon to connect?


Maybe someone else is doing it


How do you mean the xD


Go into the music app and start a song. Then you see the cover and play / pause, etc. If you scroll up that a bit, you probably see the name of your TV in blue. A hint that you can see a small overview of streaming devices. Swipe down the screen (not just the selection) and select your iPhone and other available Bluetooth devices.

Should fix the problem


The only thing that is there are my Airpods and iPhone


And your iPhone is selected? What happens if you click on this box in Netflix to stream, can you select something or deselect?


My AirPods are currently selected