Make Messiah netflix understandable?


2020 comes on netflix ne new series called messiah should mean dajjal. I have no idea what exactly it is about and what it has to do with reality?

people should be misled

it is the wrong jesus

the end is approaching / the day of the last judgment is coming

I read all such things under the Youtube trailer but I just understand ZERO

I'm not an atheist I believe in god (a higher power) but not in history or I have stopped dealing with the Bible etc. I don't get it because of that?

can anyone explain to me what all this means


I think I could help you but somehow I don't quite understand your question


The Bible speaks of the return of Jesus at the end of time when many Christians believe that we live in this end time. Before Jesus returns, however, the Antichrist will appear and try to dissuade as many people as possible from believing in the true Jesus. A false Jesus, so to speak.

Netflix apparently treats the figure of Jesus with this series in such a way that the comparison to the wrong Jesus, the Antichrist, is obvious. Such as. That Jesus was / is gay.