Where can I watch naruto completely again?


I'm a very big fan of Naruto and I think I almost watched everything in my childhood. Well I have Netflix there's only seasons 1-9 of naruto Classic and shippuden only 10 seasons on tv now there's everything from shippuden but no Classic. Where could I look to not spend more money


You can legally watch it on TVNOW, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Crunchyroll or as DVD / Blu-ray.
TVNOW and Crunchyroll are free of charge.

https://www.netflix.com/...e/70205012 (Naruto)

https://www.netflix.com/...e/80000603 (Shippūden; up to episode 221)

https://www.tvnow.de/...ruto-12847 (Naruto)

https://www.tvnow.de/...uden-12957 (Shippūden)

https://www.amazon.de/...07Q3DNKFK/ (Naruto)

https://www.amazon.de/...07Q7WVFQW/ (Shippūden)

https://www.crunchyroll.com/...com/naruto (Naruto; only with subtitles)

https://www.crunchyroll.com/...-shippuden (Shippūden; only with subtitles)

Well, I have Netflix because naruto Classic only has seasons 1-9 and only shippuden seasons 10

That's all 220 episodes of Naruto Classic. Netflix divides this into 9 seasons.

Yes, from Shippūden there are only the first 221 of the total of 500 episodes.

on tv now there's everything from shippuden but no classic.

But there's also, see link above.


Okay thank you