Sad Asian drama?


I'm looking for Asian drama, where the main protagonist is seriously ill or has suffered severe strokes of fate. A little variety would be quite good 😊. But please not where the male protagonist is sick / dies. Whether it's drama from Korea, Japan, Taiwan or China is not important, but please contact gersub (if it is not from Netflix or viki, it would be helpful to mention where you watched it). I appreciate every answer, thank you


So I know what you mean by Asian but there's a Turkish film (which is also Asian xD) and it's called Sadece Sen. Gibts believe on Netflix.


Well, okay, not exactly what I'm looking for, but I still like to watch xD. Thanks that you wrote so quickly and mentioned an alternative.


A Tale of Two Sisters (the Korean original, not a remake) is a drama (but also horror if it is a problem), it is mainly about the consequences of a stroke of fate.

Netflix doesn't have it, unfortunately you have to buy or borrow it.


Horror is not a problem. I'm going to watch a trailer and decide whether to buy it.


Sorry for the late reply.

I don't know if they all meet your expectations. Also, I can't promise that the dramas are really sad, because there's comedy from time to time.

That Winter, The Wind Blows: Not directly ill, she is blind. I also heard that the drama is supposed to be very sad and the description looks like it too (but I didn't see it myself)

Extraordinary You: You live in a comic, but the protagonist has a heart disease and no longer has to live, which is also mentioned more often in the story, but often there's also a lot of comedy (I haven't finished watching the drama yet on episode 22 or so and I saw a couple of trailers. They looked a little darker, maybe there's another turning point in the story)

1 Liter no Namida: Read the description only. Sounds very sad. The protagonist has an illness that means that she can neither walk nor talk nor write slowly.

It's a shame that it shouldn't be the male lead, because then I would think of more.


I actually know the first one. I also recommended xD to someone here. If you don't know him, you should definitely change that. I'll be happy to try the other two, thanks ^^. Precisely because there are so many kdramas where the Male Lead is affected, I don't look for it 😂 (although I liked 'uncontrollably Fond')


Oh lol, now I've only seen your name. Upsi xD

You recommended it to me xD


Haha😂 then that fits xD

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