Paranormal? See in the future?


I've read a lot about it, but I don't think it's just a selective perception or anything like that.

I'm 15 and I can say that at least every week I dream something that will really happen in the coming days.

I don't think there are many who have something like that, but am I the only one who thinks you can train something like that so watch the future? Many think I'm crazy but I think that something of this kind is possible. And you probably can prevent some misfortunes in the world. And no, I don't watch too much Netflix, I'm serious!


Chance, Selective Perception and Distorted Memories. Possibly with a good portion of Deja-Vus.

For example, if you realize in a situation that you already know, have dreamed or prophesied about it, it is deja vu, nothing more.

Do not get caught up in childish superstitions. You can't foresee the future because the future does not exist.


Well if that's actually true, congratulations.
It's just hard to believe that this is even true, or it can be that you associate it incorrectly or something similar.
If you personally believe in it, stay tuned, keep watching, keep researching and then you will find out whether there's something to it or not.
But would look at that rather skeptically, also from your point of view.


Sorry, but you can't see the future! I'll also tell you why, using an example.

You mean, tomorrow you will fall on your face in front of the local Edeka (EXAMPLE!) Because you dreamed that.

Ok, it may be possible if you walk past the edeka tomorrow and slip on smooth ground.

But now umpteen alternative timelines come into play: (As I said, these are just examples)

the store manager at Edeka arranges for the spreading to take place in front of the store… You don't slip because it's no longer slippery.
your mother goes to the Edeka herself, you stay at home… So you can't fall in front of the Edeka.
Because you can't cross the street because of traffic, you will walk the route tomorrow on the other side of the street and not in front of the Edeka…

Do you notice something?

The only thing that happens is that you dream things that occupy your subconscious and that are directly related to your daily routine. Example: Your mother asked you to do a little something for her… You confirmed it, but you were so distracted that you forgot. Your subconscious has registered, however, that there's an expectation on the part of your mother and that you have not met it… So you dream of the verbal thunderstorm that logically comes the next day.

THAT is anything but paranormal!

The thing about alternate timelines is a popular topic for many SciFi writers! For example, what if… A certain hit man died of measles in his childhood?


I myself do not have such "future dreams" but my beloved mother. As she grows older, she has dreams like this more and more often, of unfortunately negative incidents that actually occur in the following days. Some dreams are frighteningly very clear. I also never managed to avert the negative events. You have an ability that unfortunately makes it more of a curse than a blessing!


Thank you, I'm by no means childish and believe in something like that my question was only whether something like this is possible and apparently it is a decent portion of Deja Vus but I asked this question so that I can see whether others are also dreaming something like this


Ok trz thanks for the explanation


Thanks to one of the comments who understands what I'm talking about, I wouldn't necessarily call it a blessing or a curse that it's just positive events. LG


Of course, I approach things with skepticism because I'm a very skeptical person, but when I tell such things, I don't just say this because I'm fascinated by people, but also because I think about things like that.


If it's deja-vus, it's not even dreams. And I didn't say you were childish, I said superstition is childish and that you shouldn't step into it.

Such a thing is not possible. So see the future. Because there's no future. You can't see anything that doesn't exist.


A video with Dr Dr Walter von Lucadou about his research and the historical course of paranormal research. This also goes into the so-called presentiment studies, which have not even been carried out by parapsychologists, but by neurologists.

Which, however, do not want to go into this further because they can't explain it, but also do not deny the existence of these studies. The presentiment studies are clear evidence of the existence of the future and that the transition from the present to the future is fluid and that certain things or events can actually be foreseen.

Physicists like to talk about the "flow of time"

Also an interview about his experience with spook and psycho-kinesis outside the laboratory scale:

Here is a state and university research institute from the University of Edinburgh on the whole topic.

Join Professor Caroline Watt, holder of the UK's only Chair in parapsychology, to discover how parapsychologists investigate claimed paranormal communication. From investigating spontaneous precognitive experiences to controlled laboratory research examining Jwhether people have telepathic abilities, discover the challenges and unexpected scientific rewards of investigating the impossible.

In addition, Ludacou's lecture is a good explanation for other paranormal phenomena, as he had not only studied psychology but also physics and is not afraid to combine these two subject areas in order to theoretically explain the empirical findings of paranormal research.


It is very seldom that such visions of the future reveal positive events, since they are usually only intended to provide the person with a kind of "help in life" for impending fateful events. Therefore you can count yourself lucky that only positive events are shown to you in dreams in a visionary way. As the saying goes: anticipation is the greatest joy!