Simple tablet (multimedia only)?


I'm currently looking for a new tablet, with which I actually only want to go on the Internet or watch YouTube or Netflix, etc.

It should still be a more recent model so that support for upcoming Android updates will not be discontinued immediately. Please only recommend HUAWEI tablets if the PlayStore still works on them (I'm currently not in the matter of how the dispute is currently looking).


Get an Amazon fire tablet, costs 60 euro. Enough for your requirements ÅMÅŽÕÑ & crid = IK2649KOQVR6 & dchild = 1 & keywords = fire + tablet + 7 & qid = 1602954839 & quartzVehicle = 93-256 & replacementKeywords = fire + tablet & sprefix = fire + tA% 2Caps% 2C272 & sr = 8-1