Why no traffic?


I met with my girlfriend today, we watched falling stars. We went to bed together and watched Netflix. I gently patted her fingers and we had petting.

Then we took a shower together, then we went to sleep… Or because I write here what happened today is funny: /

In any case today there was no sex and I do not know why but overall a nice evening… Only the question now.

Did I do something wrong or why was there no traffic today?!


Well because you were both satisfied by petting - you do not always have to sleep together to love each other


This is true!


Never put pressure, laugh neither yourself nor the partner.


Unwrap your clothes, make them full of lust.


I did that and pressed her to the wall and licked her. And she was full of lust.


She was also in the thing but somehow nothing


Why are not you in bed with her after showering? Vll it would then have come to sex 😅

But probably she handed the petting for the time being.

Side note for me: there was a shooting star 😍? How did you hear about it? I would like to hear that.


Hello from Instagram you could watch up to 25 shooting stars per hour.


Ah, thanks for the information. Since I regret it smooth to have no Instagramm 😅