Sad Netflix series? - 1


Hey can recommend any sad Netflix series to me? Or. I want a series about how wrong people can be. How unfair life can be. Also about losses. And it should definitely be exciting. Haha thank you in advance.


The walking dead and house of money


13 reasons why. But you have certainly already seen it.


It's not that sad but my favorite in series is and remains sex education


Bojack Horseman.

At first glance it looks like a comedy series, but it gets more and more thirsty, more depressed. It is about clever existences, deception, death, the supposed meaning (lack of) life and all that under the recurring cloak of depression.

It seems paradoxical, but it's a comedy series that seriously deals with the subject of depression, without playing down the disease and at the same time taking it seriously.

For me this is really great art. Starting with the 6th season in particular, it gets pretty dark and sometimes traumatizing. So if depression is your thing, Bojack is for you.

Always sad, normal? Li LittleBooklet
Films to cry? ca carpenterBike478
Sad Netflix Movies? - 1 di dinnerkehlani