How do I find a dream or a passion?


I'm 14 and yes, that may seem a bit premature now, but I feel like I have nothing to strive for.

I'm pretty good at everything (this shouldn't sound conceited, of course there are things I can't do) but there's somehow nothing that I would now call my passion or my talent.

There's nothing out of the ordinary about me or anything that specifically identifies me.

I'm just an average person, but I don't want that. I'm grateful that I'm healthy and all that, but I just don't have a goal to work towards. I don't have any hobbies because I'm just not really good at anything. I've tried a lot. From different sports to instruments and so on.

But there's nothing that I can call my talent and that is kind of extremely demotivating.

I have the feeling that I just live to myself but have no passion or something that gives me fun and joy.

I know I'm still pretty young, but sitting in the room all day and watching Netflix doesn't make me happy all the time.

Now my question:

Do you have any tips or ideas how I could discover a passion? Maybe you have gained experience that you would like to share.


At least watch the anime


I can understand well. In life you have the feeling that you have to constantly achieve something because you get pressure from other successful people.

You can see how others get first place in a marathon, you see how much others are interested and committed to their hobbies, but you don't really have a passion or a goal yourself.

I want to tell you not to put any pressure on yourself. Be yourself. If you enjoy watching movies, find out about older classics like Forrest Gump, Shaw Shank Redemption, The Green Mile, One flew over the Cucko's Nest, etc.

I did that during the holidays, for example. I also watched everything in English and looked at possible interpretations after each film. On the one hand that helped me with the language and on the other hand it was just fun and stimulated to think.

Of course, you could keep trying. New sports, new instruments, reading books, etc. But you know that yourself.

So my recommendation is: don't strive to be different from the others, but to be yourself. Anything else doesn't make sense. Do not compare yourself to others. Don't live by the motto: I'm only happy if I've read 2 hours of books, done 3 hours of sport and played 5 hours of guitar per day.

You will still find your passion. Be it through inspiration from a film, a YouTube video or friends.


If you want to create the conditions for an extraordinary life, you should get as much inspiration as possible from extraordinary people. The quickest way to find the thoughts of extraordinary people condensed is good literature. For example books by J. D. Salinger, Jack Kerouac, Philip Djian, Hermann Hesse, Sibylle Berg, Paul Auster, Juli Zeh, James Lee Burke, Erik Fosnes Hansen, Henry Miller, etc.


Thanks for the helpful answer!


If you start reading good books and you like it, you don't have to force yourself to read a lot - inspiration from many different ways of thinking is the basis for an extraordinary life, one should not underestimate these influences. Ideally you have real, extraordinary and inwardly rich people with good character traits as friends.