When is the 10th season of the Walking Dead coming to Netflix?


Netflix said that the 10th season of The Walking Dead should come out in early October, now it's November and it's still not there. Season 10 has been on Sky and other streaming platforms for a year, why can't Netflix just upload it?


As far as I know, no official date has yet been announced.

It is rumored that Netflix plans to release season 10 along with the belated episode 16. For this episode, however, RTL2 still has a preferential right to broadcast on FreeTV. Episodes 1 to 15 were already running on RTL2, but episode 16 will not be allowed to show them for about six months. Accordingly, season 10 (including episode 16) on Netflix would be delayed accordingly. But that's just a guess.

Maybe Netflix is still waiting for the 6 additional episodes. Then the publication would be postponed for another year.

Just wait and see.

You can still watch them on Sky (episodes 1 to 16).

Season 10 has been on Sky for a year

No, episode 16 has only been around since the beginning of October.