Hallucination, psychosis?


I'm 16 years old and smoked a joint yesterday. Everything was as always I looked at something Netflix during the Rsuschzustand but a little later I saw a green flicker of light on my wall, which resembled a laser pointer light. I panicked and thought that jemad would shine through my window with a laser pointer, but no one was outside. Is it possible that I have hallucinated because of the grass, and is it disturbing if so?


I'm really not scared of anything like that and do not want to scare you, but I have someone in the class who smelled grass and has panic attacks since. That sounds extreme to me, but it can always be something. If you realize with you nothing is wrong go to the doctor or other. He's been in psychiatry ever since. I want to say again, that sounds too extreme for me but I just wanted to tell you that. You should always be a bit cautious.


You smoked a joint, yes, that could be a possible explanation why you suddenly saw a kind of green light. Respectively the effects / aftereffects of it (possibly how you mean hallucination).

But it can also occur in people who have not smoked a joint, for example. If you have seen too long in a bright light source, such as sun or lamp and then looks at a white wall. Since you have the same effect, so you see a short time a kind of green light, which disappears after some time.

If you may after the intoxication vllt. In your smartphone, PC, TV, etc. Have seen (which are all a bright source of light), then you could have a vllt.stärkere or longer-lasting effect. But it should pass after a certain time, if that's the reason.

It could also be the joint, which aftereffect causes you to perceive a green light.


Thank you for your detailed answer, when this green light appeared on me flickered it very strong (as if someone would quickly press the on / off button of a Lazorpointer), which is why I exclude the theory with the light source. I'm always worried about everything too much and I'm afraid that the hallucinations are related to a psychosis or a similar illness.


Good question is not a substitute for a visit to a doctor, and certainly the wrong place to ask for diagnoses… Here are now people again come to tell you: Yes, is a psychosis, and who say: No is not… And again which say: quite normal!

If you want a diagnosis you have to go to the doctor, not for good…

If I now google why and why I sometimes go this way or so I'm sick according to Internet death and still have 6 months to live…

Calm down first, make sure that you see other things or have hallucinations, and in doubt, only the way to the doctor!