Why is animal crossing so hyped?


Why is the new animal crossing new Horizonts so hyped and also integrated by very large companies? Sure the game is really fun, but are companies really that successful with marketing this video game? A lot of large companies do this, like Netflix in the picture


If that didn't work, these companies wouldn't advertise that way.

Advertising is all about the target group learning about the product, talking about it and then consuming it.

At Animal Crossing you have a relatively young target group (teenagers to young adults), mostly female, all in one place. So why shouldn't you advertise there?

As you can see, over 10,000 people have liked your picture, a lot more will have seen it and just as many talk about it with friends who probably also play the game and are just as interested in the product. Then there will be one or two YouTubers who report about it and even more people will know about it. And if only a small part of it then consumes the product in the end, the advertising will have already paid off.


Mhh, I think more adults than youngsters play animal crossing but this time just by the way. You're absolutely right, that's how the conversation starts.