Why does unlimited internet cost us so much?


In the Netherlands, unlimited internet 4g costs 25 euro, in France 16 euro, almost as much as a netflix subscription

and here? 70-80 euro and that although Germany is rather down when it comes to the Internet.

internet is new territory for us 🧐


So I have unlimited for 39 euro


Because the frequencies in Germany are extremely expensive and German consumers just let it go. Here everyone is messing around with their child tariffs with 2-3 GB.

But: o2 now offers unlimited data tariffs from 29 euro, so things are improving.


Ask the network operator



What failure is there when the author of the question unfortunately lies?

The 70-80 euro are only available with a brand new smartphone. The smallest part of it is the actual flat rate. As it says here: Flat rates themselves are significantly cheaper. Also between 20 and 30 euro.


Still too expensive


Where did you get these prices from? The 70 euro to 80 euro are with brand new cell phone. The flat rate is the smallest part.


And again the question: what has the government to do with it. What are the private providers doing there?


A small supplement. I took a quick look at the video. This is again a funny and clever manipulation, not to say: fake news.

The first example with Tele2 in the Netherlands is not 5G at all… Right, there's a "real Unlimited Flat" in your own 4G network for 25 euro. Funny that this is compared to 5G flat rates in the video… What an absurd manipulation. In the further video it is no longer about the price of the whole thing…

The second manipulation takes place in a subordinate clause in the video itself. It is claimed: Yes, the providers should have been obliged to cover 100% of the area. Subordinate clause "would have been financially unattractive". And in the end it would be significantly more expensive.

One completely overlooks the fact that Holland has 413 inhabitants per km². In Germany it is only 233 km². Beyond the metropolitan areas, Germany is much more sparsely populated than Holland. France is also such a huge patchwork quilt with a lot of areas where it doesn't even have 3G. Funny that that's used as an example of how it works well. Because when I look at the French rag rug, the many white corners, it doesn't work so well there either.

It gets really funny when the Scandinavian countries are all ahead of Germany in these rankings. If you look at the network coverage, you have an extremely large number of areas completely without mobile internet. Lots of white spots… Well, hardly anyone lives in the regions. Nevertheless, it is extremely funny that it is then considered to be much better developed.

It would be exciting to know how many transmission masts there are in the Netherlands, for example, to ensure high LTE coverage and how many there are in Germany instead. You will be surprised how the differences are. In other words: The Netherlands is much easier to care for because they are much smaller. The costs for network expansion are drastically lower.


Scrap on YOUTUBE without factual substance.