New Naruto Follow on Netflix?


Today new naruto shippuden episodes should appear on Netflix. The date was January 15th and we have January 15th 00:11 and there are still no new episodes on Netflix? Does anyone know what's going on? Or can you check if you have the new ones to follow?


I looked it up and it's still over at season 10.

Just go to sleep can be that when you wake up.

I guess that the online will be put as soon as the appropriate person in charge shows up at work. If she works in DE, it will be after 8 o'clock in the morning.


Ah okay thank you


The answer comes a little late, but it could be the new seasons, because Netflix has some problems. That means they could maybe come in a few days or weeks or months. Unfortunately, nothing is known for certain. But Netflix tries to get support as quickly as possible.