K project on Netflix?


On the internet you can find everywhere pages that say the k project since 1.7. On Netflix, if I search for it comes but nothing. Was that canceled or something?


Had the support lettered so. There's no official message about it (from Netflix). Either it was a hoax from Anime2you or Netflix deleted the post.

So do not come. Do you have to look on Amazon?


Hm, thank you. The only thing is that even netflix itself has a link to the series on the Internet (in German), but if you go on it just breaks off the process. Wait a while and see if anything else happens: /


Amazon Prime offers the anime. Maybe you mistook it. I don't know


Right. The entry already exists… Perhaps the license agreements have failed or postponed. Maybe it will be handed in later unannounced


This happens to Netflix again and again that they do not comply with the specified date and do not comment on the delay. Was e.g. Same with Naruto.