Is it normal that my new Samsung Q90R TV has such a poor picture quality on TV channels?


The following problem: I bought myself today a television (as already mentioned above). The picture quality at netflix and so far is great, but the picture quality is even worse with normal TV programs than with my 8-year-old Samsung TV. I do not get it. Was the TV a big bad buy or do I have to install something


New TV, new cable, new TV box!


Can you explain that to me?


That's because the old TV probably had only HD and the new 4K.

Most TV programs (even the private ones) are sent in SD (480p), unless you have an HD + card:

SD looks terrible on 4K TVs, so either you buy the card or stay with Netflix and Co.


This is a QLED television, which has a much lower image than normal LED TV at a low resolution, if the then also much larger than the old, the picture quality is even worse, but the TV was not a bad buy.

If you additionally receive over cable then there's the picture quality synonymous even worse than sat, that is related to the all cable operators still squeeze too many channels on a frequency, and send the public broadcaster in HD because only in 720p, However, synonymous over satellite, via DVB-T2 send the public legal, however, in 1080p.

You have a much better resolution over the Internet than via cable or satellite because you can also select 4K there, via satellite and in the cable networks there are hardly any 4K channels.

How do you receive, and is the picture quality of the private in HD, if booked, too bad?


I'm very curious about the explanation!


Try to get an elephant through the eye of a needle!


I'm wondering why you're taking the time to post comments that do not get you anywhere and just tempt you into other paths




The resolution of the SD channels via cable is extremely bad, that is not because s.Television.Die private in HD are not in the cable with a HD + card unlockable but must be booked with the cable network operator, in addition, a CI + module of the cable network operator is required The different encryption systems of the cable network operators can be used only vendor modules.

You can indeed use the smart function in some 4K, the ZDF are on HbbTV synonymous isolated 4K broadcasts available

The normal TV channels do not offer many 4K broadcasts, because in the cable so far only SKY.

Also over IPTV the Internet television of the Telekom are not yet all too many 4K offers available, in order to be able to use that must run your Internet also over theTelekom

On your TV you can use TV Plus, also many 4K content is available

Who is your cable operator?