Remove series from my list?


On netflix there are Yes "my list" and there I have series. But I want to delete some of them because I have already seen them. When I tried (I pressed the button where you can also add the series to "my list", but the series is still in "my list." The question is, how can I get the series off… Can someone help me "Sry, if this is very incomprehensible, I'm not so good at explaining it: here's the picture on which button I pressed:

Remove series from my list

(As I said, it's still on "my list")


You have to go to the Netflix website, then on account and then at the bottom


Unfortunately the password does not know.


Then unfortunately that does not work: /


Thank you.

Remove series from my list

You click on the series in your list then you scroll down and finish off the hook at my list. Then you close the app and the next time you open the app, the series has disappeared from your list. But you should really close the app and not run in the background.


Yes, I did, but it is still in my list Tzd


Then you should log out of the app and sign up again. If you can't do that, then you have to live with it.