Netflix direct debit?


I have a savings account which is unlocked for online banking, I would like to get Netflix (subscription for 7.99), but Netflix does not accept my data. If I just "get older" now, it would accept the information, but would it then deduct the money?


Yes, of course, How should Netflix recognize that account belongs to a minor? Is not in the Iban.


Could have been yes. So can I conclude this without a guilty conscience?


I do not know if that works with age, but if you come from Germany, tomorrow is a holiday. I had the problem of getting Netflix on a public holiday and it did not work because it was not a bank business day and that could not be confirmed with my account at the bank, Netflix was only released a day later.


Yes, I'm from Germany, I've been doing it right now and I can access Netflix.


Then have fun with Netflix.