Amazon Prime payment possible without bank details (with a gift card from the supermarket)?


I wanted to know if Amazon Prime is the same as Netflix:

So with NETFLIX, you don't have to enter any bank details and a voucher card from the supermarket is enough. So I have been using NETFLIX for about 2 months and then take a break until a new interesting series / season comes out and I have more time for Netflix again. That works there without any problems. Because I don't need NETFLIX continuously and I don't like to give bank details.

Is that also possible with Amazon Prime? After all, there are also voucher cards from Amazon in the supermarket.


Gift certificates and gift cards can
not for the purchase of additional gift certificates, the purchase of newspaper or magazine subscriptions for the Kindle or
redeemed to pay for an Amazon Prime membership.


I see. Then I will probably not use that after all. NETFLIX is clearly better for me.

It's a shame, I heard yesterday that a series is coming out on Amazon Prime that would have interested me. 😕


Why not just book Prime through your account?


I only ordered something from Amazon once that I haven't found anywhere else. And I paid for that with a voucher from the supermarket.


Besides, I've never ordered anything by direct debit on the Internet. I haven't even used online banking and credit cards.

And I don't want to be dependent on the written cancellation of such a membership if for some reason it doesn't work or if I forget to do it on time. It is very annoying for me then.

That's why I buy Netflix cards and that's why I ask the question. Then I don't have to do anything but let the credit on the card run out. The easiest for me personally. 😉


You can conveniently end your membership in your account online with one click.


Nevertheless. The payment method still remains, which is only possible with direct debit or credit card, etc. In that case, I would prefer to wait 1 - 2 years for a possible DVD or TV broadcast of the series that I would like to watch.

It is possible that I will see things differently soon.