Do you prefer amazon Prime or Netflix?


Do you prefer amazon Prime or Netflix?


I've been using both for many years and can't make up my mind - sometimes I look more at one, then more at the other. In terms of clarity, I think netflix is better, because I don't have to first see whether you can watch the film or the series without additional costs.


Prime is bad.

If so, then Netflix. But don't have to choose anyway. For reasons * cough *


I prefer Netflix, Amazon is also really cool, but in my opinion Netflix simply has better offers. In addition, you only have to pay monthly at Netflix and you can stream all films and series. On Amazon there are many series and films that cost extra.


Always depends on the films. But have both great and bad movies and series


Watch TV incredibly seldom… Maybe once a week, in the evening for 1-2 hours.

But we have Amazon Prime! But we use it even less often. Our favorite series don't exist there - or we don't think so… I don't know?! ^^ + gg