Why is Netflix stock down 3.07%?


At the moment the Netflix share has to go through the roof because everyone is at home and is dependent on boredom. But instead, Netflix stock is down 3.07%.

Netflix stock was $ 481 on January 20th and is now at $ 449.25.

Can you please explain why that was because I would like to understand.


That is a normal fluctuation in the stock market!


Wrong, the stock has already gone through the roof starting with the first lockdown.

Now the stock is rather leveling off and has normal price fluctuations. In the future it will decrease again anyway.


But in the pandemic 3.07% in 7 days is a bit heavy, isn't it?


No 3% is not a big fluctuation! It's all quite normal


Plug power went up 100% too, just through biden. So 3% should still be normal


What is a 3% fluctuation, that's nothing, especially not with a USA share, they like to go up 5% today and down 5% tomorrow.

And the Netflix has already gone through Corona, from March, take a look at the chart

Why is Netflix stock down 3.07

And there you see the normal fluctuations in between

(By the way, chart is in USD $, in case you are wondering about the price)


The stock market is not about numbers, but about psychology.

Maybe it was just a bad week, or some investors are waiting for another downward trend…

These are fluctuations in very special times.


You can ask yourself why whether the hen or the egg came first. The pressure to sell was higher than the demand and that's it.