Why was Gossip Girl removed from Netflix?


Why was Gossip Girl removed from Netflix?


Because Netflix has to buy a license that costs a lot of money and that gives you the right to make something (film / series / documentary) available in your offer for a certain period of time. When the time this license was paid for has expired you either have to remove it or buy a new license and pay for it again. Since if a film or a series has been available for a certain period of time, most of the subscribers who are interested in it have already watched it, it is usually not worthwhile to extend a license, then of course it is better instead, to take something new in the act, so that the Letute have something new to look at.

Just imagine that there would always be the same thing on Netflix and something new, then at some point you would say that this is no longer good because you already know everything and there's never anything new. Then you would cancel your subscription and nobody benefits from it, you have no new series and films and Netflix is losing subscribers because they are bored because there's nothing new.

That's why something is taken from the offer every now and then when the license has expired and something new is added instead.