Do you know any good movies on Netflix?

- in Movies

I wanted to ask if you can recommend any good films on Netflix. I'm more into comedies, romances or drama, but it can also be.

Thanks for your answers and have a nice evening.



is a tough drama, but definitely worth watching.

Have lots of fun with it!


Haha, I think that's more for weird people like me, but "Interstellar" is a very great film.

It's about a team of astronauts that is supposed to save the earth or find a new habitable planet. It might sound a bit boring, or like space stuff, but there's something of everything (romance, action)

There are also things with dimensions and black holes. (Everything shown very realistically)

Definitely a 10/10 and well worth seeing!


Absolutely not worth seeing because Critters is better and E.T is smarter than the people

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"Catch me if you can" - one of the funniest films I have ever seen. I laughed myself to death.


HI, I immediately think of Notting Hill. A love story with Julia Roberts. Or Titanic.