Question about the release of season 5 of Jane the Virgin?

- in Movies

I've been waiting for Season 5 of Jane the Virgin for over 6 months. First it was said that the 5th season would come out in October, then it was in late 2019 and now in early 2020.

The list has just been published by @, where all films and series that appear in April were listed.

Jane the Virgin is not there again.

Does anyone know more about season 5 release?

I just can't take it anymore, I'm watching the series for the 6th time.


Early / mid 2020


What exactly do you like about the series? And what other series do you like?


I just love everything about the series, there's nothing I don't like.

There are no other series that I really like. Riverdale and all the mainstream series are too scary for me.

This is also the reason why I can't wait until Jane the Virgin comes out.

I wish there were a few more series that I like, but I only like Jane the Virgin, nothing comes of it.


I've been asking myself this question for months. The Internet always says late 2019 / early 2020. I'm just as upset as you haha.


Thank god i'm not the only one, haha.