Netflix chill?

- in Movies

Hi me (12) wants to make my Netflix with my girlfriend and chill evening πŸ˜‰

Do you have films can be from 18 or so. She likes the curse of the Caribbean and fifty shades of gray. Give some movies Lg πŸ˜€


The donkey is always called first…

You are 12 years old, so there are movies from 12.

There's no Fifty at 12 … Watch a Disney movie.


Fifty Shades of gray

as a 12-year-old? Um, so I'll go again…


Let that be with the movies from 18 or 16. I know a lot of people who do that at our age, but honestly they are pretty bad at times. There are also many good films that are approved for our age. The age limits also have a reason.

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Movies for Netflix & chill? Sa SaturdayNancy