How does it work with Netflix movies production. If it's called NETFLIX Original, were they produced by order of Netflix?

- in Movies

And who pays the film production first. Is there a big media mogul behind Netflix, or how does it work?


Netflix is a great media mogul.

Netflix makes 3 times as much revenue as the whole proSieben sat1 group, so prosieben, sat1, kabeleins, sixx, etc. All together. And still more than twice as much as the RTL group, ie RTL, VOX, N-TV, RTL II, super rtl and numerous foreign stations.


Netflix has existed since 1998 and is either involved in many productions, or produces entirely by itself, by commissioning production companies to produce films or series (currently more series).

These works are called Netflix Original.

Netflix is known for supporting small production companies and giving them a chance to showcase their production.


Netflix is a media mogul and no longer a pure streaming provider. In "Netflix Original" Netflix is either a producer or in any way involved in the production.