Netflix senselessly wants a PIN?

- in Movies

I was just about to watch a movie and suddenly Netflix wants to have a PIN on my own account, even though I never set one up?

no PIN is set up under the options in my account either. Then I assigned 0000 and it didn't work… It only worked when I entered 1234, although the PIN is nowhere?

what kind of pointless junk is that?


This is a backup in case someone else in the household uses the account and the person under 18 can't watch films over 18.


Let me guess: the film was from 18


Yes, hihi.


0000 or 1234 are mostly standard pins. And is asked for films over 18


Then you entered something wrong when booking. But it doesn't matter, because you got it out. You can change it but have to look at the booking settings or the normal settings or call support. Had the problem too, behind it is the parental controls


You have probably not created a youth protection pin. Have a look on the website for the standard pins, if there's something like that, if not, create one.