Netflix history not found?

- in Movies

I would like to watch a movie, which unfortunately I was only able to watch halfway through yesterday. I really do not find it anywhere, because in the name also does not know. But there's the course, I've seen on Google that you press somewhere and that there's then a "look" list or a "what they have looked" list, but I think not synonymous, not even the course, Can someone tell me how to find the movie?


That was the case with the old Netflixx version, now it does not work


The lists are still there


Everything is there for me like, look on, or, again, for example.

go to the top right on the profile, on the small arrow, on account settings. Down there, my profile, and then,

there's everything you have looked.

If the movie was actually deleted today, it is not in your list anymore

, continue


Have lately also the occasional started movies the next day not in my 'look at the profile' overview in Netflix are. And 2 days later, after all.

In the in the account, however, they are reliably listed. Can quickly go down if you look in between a number of consequences of something else.