Why manga?

- in Movies

Why do many people love mangas so much? This is a serious question I mean I have nothing against it but I'm just wondering what is so great about these books / movies. I've watched a series on Netflix to see if this is for me. (I love movies about love or vampires.) But after the first episode I found it somehow silly stupid. I always did not like books so be careful. Do you know good mangas and what do you like about them?


You generally do not like books, but you still want to read manga less? Uh okay.

And as is so often the case, there are good titles in every medium and absolutely grotty - that's the same with normal books.


Of course, there's also bad manga / anime. But many have a really good and often very, almost complicated, thoughtful story. Personally, I like dark manga like Junji Ito's. And perhaps that is the reason for the popularity. There are so many different and there's something for everyone from each genre. In Manga everything is possible and I find the characters and stories are usually much more thoughtful and profound than in European / American books and films. In addition, the drawing style differs from mangaka to mangaka and one recognizes the love of detail. I already know a couple about love and vampires, which I did not like so much. What I really liked was Shiki. If you still need recommendations: Noragami, Attack on Titan, Mirai Nikki, Sankarea, Death Note and especially the Ghibli movies! I also have a few more in stock.


There are different interests. Some people prefer to read manga, other comics, others prefer novels and others do not care when they read them.
It's just a matter of taste.

Why people choose manga is also different. Doing like for example The character styles others the story.

The same is true of anime, which can be the version of a manga converted into a cartoon / series. Other anime based on novels or games.

Personally, I like The character styles of many anime / manga rather than the character styles of some Western cartoons. Furthermore, I find the Japanese culture interesting, which also had a certain influence on these works, after all, anime and manga come from Japan.
For many anime / manga / light novels I like the story better than those of western novels / movies / series.
Nevertheless, I also read / watch Western books, movies, etc. If they please me from the story.


It is very good ^^