I'm interested in Christianity, Jesus and the Roman Empire what good movies are there about it?

- in Movies

I'm a German with a Turkish immigrant background and I'm a Muslim.

I was in Rome last year and loved the Roman buildings, Vatican City and Coliseum. Now I want to deal more with Jesus Christ and the Roman Empire.

Jesus also occurs in Islam. That means we have a lot in common.

Is there any movie in Netflix?

Did Jesus found the Roman Empire?


I can't tell you anything directly about good films, but Jesus did not found the Roman Empire. He lived at the time of the Roman occupation of present-day Israel or Palestine. It took several centuries for the Romans to end the persecution of Christians under Emperor Constantine the Great and to officially establish the Christian religion in the Roman Empire.

Maybe read here:



Unfortunately, there are no really good historical films. Without exception, they are all falsified in terms of the content of the Bible and, for the most part, the historical processes of world history.

No, Jesus did not found the Roman Empire. He was not interested in worldly power. He always said, "my king is not of this world."

The worldly empires are under the god of this world, Satan, the devil. With arrogance, greed, and lovelessness, this evil spirit, the adversary of the true God Jehovah, mercilessly exploits especially poor and weak people in his favor. The history of humanity proves this clearly.

In contrast, Jesus of Nazareth taught his disciples to pray: "YOUR EMPIRE COME, YOUR WILL HAPPENED"

As prophecies of the Bible show, Satan's time has passed where he could prove that he is better off for people who let him be influenced by God instead of God. Uncertainty and chaos on Earth are the result of His reign as God of this world.

The "kingdom of God" a just rule without suffering and death is just around the corner.


A m. E. Very good and authentic movie about Jesus Christis can be found here (at the bottom of the page, it's free and full length): https://www.campus-d.de/mitmachen/material/jesusfilm/der-jesusfilm.html

"Short info on the film: Jesus - everyone knows him, but who was he really? And what has his life and death 2000 years ago to do with us today?

Meet a fascinating personality. A man who took the side of the sick, the poor and the outsiders, who healed, preached, polarized and loved. Which was celebrated by the one as a liberator and king and was soon sacrificed by the religious establishment.

Meet Jesus - a Jesus who was different, very different.

This classic of film history closely follows the biography of the doctor Lukas, the Luke gospel. Shot with 5,000 actors in original locations, the life of Jesus is presented in a simple, lively, moving and genuine way. The most-translated movie of all time is available in over 1,200 languages and has been seen by billions of people worldwide. "