The film comes from Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Bolivia, kind of like that. It was shot entirely in black and white, but is still relatively new. I've seen it on Netflix, but not a Neflix production.
The most striking in short: other people gradually get the face of the main character. Beard, lots of hair.
As far as I can remember, the whole film only takes place at a bus station for long-distance buses. The various protagonists all have to wait for their buses because of a mysterious storm. First people have the main character's face on the news, then others get it too.
The whole movie is pretty surreal, which is why I can't really say whether it's already considered a horror movie. It's definitely not a big production. I don't think it was dubbed in German or English either and I saw it with subtitles.
Can anyone still remember this film, maybe even better than me? I can't be the only one who's seen this completely insane movie.
The Similars (Los Parecidos, 2015)
With pleasure.