Black mirror: Jumpscares?

- in Movies

Dear community and series fans.

I'm looking for new series on Netflix that I can watch. Someone recently recommended Black Mirror to me because the series should be very interesting. At Netflix, she was suggested to me because she claims to be 98% in line with what I'm watching. (Can you take that seriously?)

In any case: I'm honest, I'm interested, but I really have a problem with jumpscares, I'm also absolutely no fan of horror movies or games.

I looked Black Mirror: Bandersnatch with a friend because I found the principle of choice very appealing. I really liked the movie too. Is the series exactly the same?

Or is the series very scary (comparable to a horror movie) and does it have jumpscares? I do not like that at all…


I have not seen Bandersnatch yet but found Black Mirror awesome. The consequences seemingly have nothing to do with each other, but there are always cross-links between the episodes that hide the series makers like Easter Eggs in the episodes.

The series evokes very different emotions, some episodes were very oppressive, others strange and others totally crazy, but there are also some nice episodes. But the main thing is to draw very bizarre future scenarios, to draw attention to certain things, and they succeed in doing so brilliantly.

From me you get a clear recommendation for this series.


As far as I know the series vllt contains so 5 jumpscares


I think then I prefer not to watch her…
