Psn down right now?


Hello I'm just trying to get into a game 5 times on Ps4, first I wanted to be in GTA 5 where I was in a session for 5 minutes without any problems but then it kicked me out and I could only play story. When I restarted the game it said that my PSPlus had expired. After that I restarted the Playstation and I could only play story again but then it said that I should connect to the Internet. In the start Ps4 screen I was online and nothing was shown to me as if I were offline. I tried to start other games but it only failed. Netflix and Youtube run on the Ps4 without any problems but I just can't get into any game without it saying I should connect to the internet or I'm in the infinite title screen. I'm sorry for the long text but I try to describe as many details as possible.

Does anyone have any idea what's going on?

Has anyone ever had this problem and how did they solve it?

I need help, p.s: I'm not responsible for spelling errors lol


PSN is not down. Will be due to your connection. Can't get an error code?


No, and I was surprised that I don't get a single error code or anything else.


Hello the servers are on wait about 1 to 2 hours. Then it should work if not write me I will send psn support number


Restart your router. Otherwise it only helps to wait.