ExFreund refuses to delete my Netflix?


My friend and I broke up, but he still registered MY Youtube, Netflix, Prime Tv etc. On his Smart TV. He refuses to subscribe. What can I do that he is no longer registered? Is it enough if I change the password?


Yes, that's enough. Log in and change your passwords, then he will no longer be able to enter and can no longer use it. For security reasons, also change the PW of your email address, oh best just everyone.


If it is your accounts, you can change the passwords and, as far as I know, delete the profile you created on Netflix.


You just have to change your password and it will automatically be thrown out.

You can also simply log in via the browser on the computer and simply throw out all registered devices including your ex-boyfriend.


Changing the password is not always enough. Have the logged-in devices displayed on the individual pages and log everything out once.

Some providers also ask you immediately if you change the password if they should do so.

If you do not log out the devices, it may be that they are still logged in despite changing the password.


Password change for:

1) My YouTube

2) Netflix

3) Amazon Prime

4) Email addresses

(with which you are registered with the streaming services)

5) possibly PayPal

and so on