Surfing and gaming possible with a 2000 line still possible today?


We move into 2 houses with the whole family. The houses are outside the city and there's only a 2000 Internet line through. Would it still be possible to surf with it today? May be the same time several of us on the PC play online or watch Netflix / Youtube what. As far as upload / download is concerned, I realize that it will take a long time.


For a person vllt still somehow possible, but with several absolutely not.

(Except gaming probably, because the bandwidth is not so important).

What about LTE reception?


May be the same time several of us on the PC play online or watch Netflix / Youtube what.

I have a 6,000 line (so not great either) and if my girlfriend is watching Netflix at the same time, my ping goes up to 80-90, just at the top limit.

If now multiple videos and Youtube videos look, it will probably be impossible, sorry.


In the gamble it is enough, well games downloads / updates will annoy you very much. Nobody likes to wait a week to get ready to go. But for the actual games enough bandwidth. Since rs can do more on a low ping.

Surfing becomes unpleasantly slow.


For one, it's enough for gaming.

Downloading takes a while.

With Youtube it is sufficient for 480p and a maximum of 720p.

With 2 or more people, you can completely forget Netflix, surfing, gaming and YouTube.

How about cable connection?

Maybe even think about satellite or hybrid (LTe + DSL).


If you ever downloaded something, then you can play it too. That's enough!

Normal surf too.

Videostreaming (also Youtube) rather less.

If there's cable TV, then you also have the opportunity to get a fast Internet line through your cable provider.


Satellite would be problematic for multiplayer, but for surfing an alternative.


Cable connection not available. Satellite available. Is it possible to get internet via a satellite dish?


What is LTE about? Aufjedenfall say Unitymedia have garnix there. 1und1 say, they have only 2000s


There's only satellite


LTE is mobile.


You can forget satellite for online gambling. The latency is far too high.
